When it comes to expressing agreement or disagreement in a conversation, it is essential to understand the appropriate vocabulary and expressions in Spanish. In this article, we will explore some common phrases and words used to express agreement and disagreement in Spanish.


1. Estoy de acuerdo: This phrase is commonly used to express agreement, and it translates to «I agree.» For example, «Estoy de acuerdo contigo en que debemos ser más responsables con el medio ambiente.»

2. Me parece bien: Translating to «It seems good to me,» this phrase expresses agreement while also showing approval. An example may be, «Me parece bien que aumente el salario mínimo.»

3. Claro que sí: This phrase translates to «Of course, yes.» It is used to express strong agreement. For example, «¿Quieres ir al cine conmigo?» «¡Claro que sí!»


1. No estoy de acuerdo: Translating to «I don`t agree,» this phrase is commonly used to express disagreement. For example, «No estoy de acuerdo con tu opinión sobre el aborto.»

2. No estoy seguro/a: This phrase translates to «I`m not sure.» While it is not a direct form of disagreement, it is an indirect way of indicating that you are not convinced by an argument. For example, «No estoy seguro/a de que ese sea el camino correcto para nuestra empresa.»

3. No creo que sea así: This phrase translates to «I don`t think that`s how it is.» It is a polite way of disagreeing with someone without being confrontational. An example may be, «No creo que sea así como lo estás describiendo.»

In conclusion, understanding how to express agreement and disagreement effectively is crucial for effective communication. By mastering these phrases and using them appropriately, you can navigate conversations with confidence and clarity.