Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAA) are international treaties that aim to prevent the same income from being taxed twice in two different countries. DTAA provisions are designed to promote international trade and investment by minimizing the negative impact of double taxation.

The provisions of DTAA vary depending on the countries involved and the type of income being taxed. However, some common provisions of DTAA include:

1. Resident vs. Non-Resident: DTAA provisions usually define who is considered a resident of a particular country for tax purposes. This is important because residents are usually subject to taxation on their global income, while non-residents are only taxed on income earned within the country. The DTAA provisions help determine how a person’s income will be taxed based on their residency status.

2. Business Income: DTAA provisions also address how business income is taxed. They help determine whether income earned by a business in one country is taxable in another, and if so, how much tax should be paid. This is important for multinational companies that operate in multiple countries, as they need to comply with different tax laws and regulations.

3. Dividend Income: DTAA provisions also cover how dividend income is taxed. They help determine whether dividends paid by a company in one country are taxable in another, and if so, how much tax should be paid. This is important for companies that have shareholders in multiple countries, as they need to ensure that they comply with different tax laws and regulations.

4. Royalty Income: DTAA provisions also address how royalty income is taxed. They help determine whether royalties paid by a company in one country are taxable in another, and if so, how much tax should be paid. This is important for companies that have intellectual property rights in multiple countries, as they need to ensure that they comply with different tax laws and regulations.

5. Capital Gains: DTAA provisions also cover how capital gains are taxed. They help determine whether gains on the sale of assets such as property, stocks, and bonds are taxable in another country, and if so, how much tax should be paid. This is important for individuals and companies that invest in multiple countries, as they need to ensure that they comply with different tax laws and regulations.

In conclusion, DTAA provisions are essential for promoting international trade and investment. They provide clarity on how different types of income are taxed, and help prevent double taxation. As the world becomes increasingly globalized, more countries are signing DTAA agreements in order to facilitate inter-country trade and investment. Thus, understanding the provisions of DTAA is crucial for businesses and individuals engaged in cross-border transactions.